A house by the ocean is what I see

My own tiny little cottage by the sea, water and sun smiling back at me.

Seagulls cry at the changing tide, cries of hunger is their plea.

For when the tide changes the clams will be free.

Feasts from the sea, this is what I will see from my little cottage by the sea.




Baking and cooking is a pleasure to me.

Culinary Arts is a challenge I do agree

Challenges are scary

Only if you let them be

I share these videos so that you will see challenges are just lessons for you and me. We make each day into what it will be a challenge should not worry me. One more lesson to be had but through these lessons I will learn that failure is not a concern at least I tried and I will try again so I leave no lesson unlearned.


Slicing and dicing is more than what you see, it’s time for creation and to get inside of me. I miss the family that inspired me, a great big family I loved and broke so easily. It sounds selfish and selfish it my be but it is a part of my history. I was searching, I was searching for me.