Somewhere in these mountains there is a wagon of gold

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lost gold stories

Once when I first went out there and realized where I was, and I remembered the story of a lost wagon of Mexican gold, I had to sleep out there overnight! I had just gone for a walk and got lead in.

I started off with what I thought was a pack of cigarettes and a solo cup of Mike’s hard lemonade.

I was dressed in a light pair of sweatpants and a tank top. It was early spring.

I hadn’t eaten anything yet that day. I have a tendency to forget such things. And at the time I didn’t believe in water!

When I arrived at the entrance gate, which is not the same one I have asked you to take me to, I had finished my Solo cup of fluid and found that I only had one cigarette in the pack and I smoked it. I thought to myself oh well, I still need to go for a walk and I do have a bowl of… with me that I would like to find a place and enjoy.

So I hung my car keys up in a tree and set my empty containers on the ground next to it and I began my walk.

Right away I scared up a Huge While Owl.

How spiritual I thought. I wonder what that means? I have never seen a huge white owl around.

By the next time I was aware of the day I realized that I would never make it back before the sun set. As a matter of fact I only had about 10 minutes!

Realizing my situation I started scrambling for a spot to sleep.

As I realized what I have done to myself and the predicting circumstances I found a wash that had 2 very large Palo Verde trees that were dead.

I thought to myself how this is it and what a perfect spot.

Did I mention that I had left my phone in the car so I didn’t get any pictures.

As I mentioned it was early spring. Cold clear cloudless night was coming and I needed to get a fire going! The minutes were counting down!

There were a few little tuffs of something like a bunch grass plant that were browned by the sun and could possibly start a fire but there were only a couple of these dried up grasses. With that and a handful of small twigs I used one of the only two things I had carried this whole way, My Lighter!

I didn’t have enough grass and my little blaze burned out!

Oh my God! I started scurrying around and realized that I was done for if I didn’t get the fire going.

At that moment all of the birds around me irrupted. Now if you play the video.

I all of a sudden heard what is exactly in that video. I recognized it immediately!

Oh God! Here I am in this wash that when it’s running I am at the base of a waterfall that I can’t climb up. I have one huge tree to my left and one to my right. I can’t climb them because they are both so dead.

Magically my fire started!

I was amazing it was ablaze! I had totally forgotten about the fire in my brief moment of panic. Now I had a chance that I wouldn’t get eaten alive.

I never even told anyone that I went for a walk let alone where.

So calmly thinking and remembering back to my encounter with a barracuda and having owned a few cats. I new I needed to make slow easy moves now and stay low to the ground. Which the last part I am still not quite sure about.

So slowly I gathered enough twigs and a few branches and slept by this tiny little Indian fire. The smoke was horrible and I stunk to high heaven in the morning. Which I didn’t get much sleep but I did enjoy the other item I had with me 😁.

The next morning after thinking about all that I had seen on my walk I knew it was the story I read about.

So I explored some more the following morning when it was light enough to see. But by this time my stomach was just starting to talk and I felt like I could use a little bit of water.

I knew that the distance back was not too far. I had made it to where I slept in 4 or 5 hours.

So I had a beautiful walk back to the wrong place.

I couldn’t find the entrance where I had come in.

I walked almost all of the way to the freeway, turned around and walked almost back to my car. But I didn’t trust myself so I walked back to Centennial Rd. Where I met a man and woman driving a white van. Yes I have been saved!!! Not!

They didn’t have room for my tiny little ass and offered to call the police for me. What I said. Then can you please tell me where I am at and how to get back to lower buckeye Rd?

They pointed in the right direction. When I finally got to my car I went straight to the Rio Valley Market got two Mike’s and a pack of cigarettes. Drank both of my drinks, had a cigarette and passed out until sometime the next day.

Please don’t do what I did and enter any part of the DESERT without being prepared! I believe in FATE and I was LUCKY not to get EATEN, FROZEN or INJURED. I had NO FOOD, NO WATER and NO CLUE what dangers I could have gotten into.

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